Feb 8, 2024 | Happy Russian Science Day
Dear colleagues, students and employees of Surgut State University,
Congratulations on Russian Science Day!
Scientific achievements and technological breakthroughs drastically change the people's lives for the better. give new impulses to drive the economy growth and technologic development, thus ensuring the Russian Federation's steady advencement in the long run.
Among all the strongest features of Russian science lie the lasting traditions of research, blueprints and headstarts in a number of key profiles, highly qualified staff, aspiration for creativity and inventing, and a widespread network of scientific organizations.
This year is a special one! This year we celebrate the 300th anniversary of Russia Academy of Sciences foundation, which is undoubtedly the leading instrument of scientific development of the nation.
Both in Russian Federation and in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Ugra a complex financial, social and professional support program for young scientists is implemented.
Our university provides an intellectual innovative, creative, educational environment which grants the advanced possibilities to the entire collective. SurGU is a member of Priority 2030 strategic academic leadership program. By Decree of Russian Federation Government, we are assigned a status of UNITY PARK Innovative Scientific and Techbological Center establishment initiator. These large-scale projects open the new horizon for research and development works.
Russia is strong primarily through its talents! The university is proud of its academic community of scientists and young researchers of SurGU!
May the goals of Science and Technology Decade in Russia be completed successfully! And may even more youth be involved in research activity, thus resolving the tasks important for society and the nation.
Wish you all new scientific ideas and constant self-improvement, as well as good health, inspiration and as much energy as possible!
Best regards,
Sergei Kosenok, Surgut State University rector.

Jan 4, 2024 | Latest Students' Achievements in Sports Review
- Anton Fedin, student of Medical College (now known as Institute of Secondary Medical Education) became a winner at Russian Junior Judo Championship, which took place in Tula from November 23 to 26, 2023. Won a gold medal among participants under 100 kg
- Dmitry Leonov from Institute of Economy and Management, scored two bronze medals during the Russian Reserve National Swimming Competition in Saransk (Nov 25 – Dec 4, 2023). Both medals were won by him on 100 and 200 meter distances
- Maria Lobanova, student of Institute of Humanities and Sport, also brought home a bronze medal she earned in Moscow at the Student Sports Stars Russian National Indoors Athletics Open Competition held December 15 to 18, 2023. Her prize came with a third place in 2000 meters hurdles run
- On December 23, 2023 Surgut first hosted the snow volleyball competitions. These were won by the team of SurGU's Institute of Humanities and Sport composed of Polina and Yekaterina Stepanov, Darya Semysheva and Alina Yelizarenko.

Dec 23, 2023 | SurGU Students' Projects Contest Held
Final stage of Students' Projects Contest held in the fall semester of 2023. The traditional event which is hosted since 2021 gave SurGU students a perfect platform to present the results of their research applied to practical tasks. Social, scientific, business, academic and creative projects were evaluated by the experts not only from Surgut State University, but also from Vasily Tatishchev Astrakhan State University, Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University and Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University.
The best project was presented by the Institue of Nature and Technical Sciences students. Their projec Yenya the Fox is planned as the animated introductory video for chemistry students and lab staff. The video's aim is to provide instructions on safety and security within the chemical lab facility. The winning team members were awarded diplomas and souvenirs from the University. They were also granted the right to present their project in Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University in fall 2024.
Dec 19, 2023 | Surgut State University the Safest in Ugra
Results of civil defense and emergency management training facilities review contest held by Main Office of EMERCOM of Russia showed that Surgut State University is considered the safest entity of higher education in Ugra, scoring 1,544 points in total. The contest commission reviewed and evaluated normative documents, training and methodical literature on civil defense, technical, visual and informational educational equipment, as well as the individual protective gear, audiovisual footage and training facilities. This, in fact, is the first time SurGU takes part in such contest, claims SurGU Vice Rector for Safety Vladik Khismatullin. Such high results were possible to achieve due to the great amount of attention paid to fire safety in SurGU, and the assistance that Department of First Aid and Emergency Response within Institute of Nature and Technical Sciences.

Nov 19, 2023 | Happy High Education Teacher's Day
Dear colleagues,
Congratulations on the High Education Teacher's Day!
In the year of our university's anniversary, I would like to highlight the significance of the event which will undoubtedly cause a positive impact on Ugra's innovational development and create perspective conditions for our youth's talents realization.
By the order of President Vladimir Putin, the Unity Park Innovative Scientific and Technological Center will be established in Ugra. In August 2023, the Russian Government's executive order needed to launch the project was passed. This document defines the leading directions of ISTC operations. These include the development of technologies in the field of energetic security, medical research, and development of advanced engineering technologies and materials suited for northern and Arctic conditions.
Surgut State University is selected as the base organization for the ISTC. This is the first time the regional university has become the initiator of the innovative scientific and technological center in Russia.
This achievement was only possible thank to the responsible labor of each of you! You have built such an environment in the university, that is capable of responding to the external challenges and drive university's changes. Your ability to set ambitious goals and consequently resolve problems needed for their achievement will always be a foundation for new victories.
You gift your knowledge and experience to the students, aiding them in entering the alluring realm of science. Like wise mentors, you shape their mindset by showing them how important it is to be open for positive changes and teaching them to be responsible for the decisions they make.
I wish you to retain your professional dedication! It is your labor, motivation and active citizenship that defines the university's future and the success of our students and graduates.
Best regards,
Sergei Kosenok, Surgut State University rector

Sep 14 – 15, 2023 | National Technological Initiative training
Surgut State University hosted a two-day intensive training for first-year students in collaboration with High Technology Park of Ugra, a non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating startups and supporting tech projects. The training took place September 14 to 15. During the event, students would participate in interactive lectures, brainstorms and business games to learn the basics of startup project creation and development. Lectures touched upon the National Technologic Initiative's markets, business models, monetization, copyright and roadmap design. Students also were able to find out about Ugra Governor's Grant which can serve as a valuable investment in a project development. During the business games, students had a chance to consult with business experts, all the High Technology Park residents, to get feedback on projects' stronger and weaker sides

Aug 20 – 31, 2023 | EKAT2023 University International Sports Festival
Surgut State University team is taking part in EKAT2023 University International Sports Festival in Yekaterinburg, Russia. Over 10 disciplines have been put out to the contest, with participants from BRICS, CIS and SCO countries competing against each other. Surgut State University is presented by seven participants from three institutes
- Institute of Humanities and Sport: Alisa Kotova, Vladimir Gorbunov, Darya Nuyanzina
- Institute of Nature and Technical Sciences: Dmitry Gnitetsky, Artyom Zaretsky
- Polytechnical Institute: Nikita Zaretsky, Ivan Khitun
All of them will compete in swimming on different distances. We wish them good luck and victory in the tournament!

Aug 3, 2023 | Unity Park Scitech Center Approved by Federal Government
Foundation of Unity Park Innovative Scientific and Technological Center in Surgut was officially initiated. The respective decree was signed by the Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Mishustin. Document defines main directions of the Center's operations. These include development of power security technologies, medical research and development of advanced materials and engineering solutions suitable for arctic conditions. Most scientific sites will be located in Surgut, with Surgut State University being the baseline organization.
Projects developed by the Center may involve both state-owned and private companies. Those who are ready to invest in the Center's development will be granted land and access to infrastructure on preferential terms.

Jul 26, 2023 | Medical Institute Project Won HSE Contest
Collaborative project of Scientific and Educational Center of Surgut State University and Higher School of Economy's International Bioinformatics Lab has won the Mirror Lab contest run by HSE. Their project centers around the development and implementation of machine learning technology to predict the long-term consequences of acute coronary syndrome. It involves 10 specialists, both from Surgut State University and HSE.
The main objective of this project is the development of a technology capable of predicting unwanted long-term complications of myocardial infarction. To have it fully operational, however, an in-depth analysis of 10,000 patients treated for myocardial infarction in Surgut Cardiologic Center since 2010 is required, apart from the study of risk factor. As of now, only a small dataset is compiled, featuring the data for only 500 patients and the risk factors displayed by them.
The project is to be deployed from 2023 to 2025. After its approval and testing, the scientists plan to patent the technology and expand their experience to other regions of Russia.

Jun 18, 2023 | Happy Medical Specialist Day!
Dear professors, employees and students of Surgut State University Medical University and Medical College,
Congratulations on your professional holiday!
Today is a wonderful reason to say the words of gratitude to all the medics for their daily deeds of saving people's lives and health, as well as their devotion to the Hippocrates' Oath.
Each ad every of us appreciates your selfless labor and knows you will always come to our aid. Thank you for your limitless devotion to the job, your responsibility and mercy!
The kindest wishes of prosperity I address to the academic staff. You make conditions for integration of revolutionary research, modern education and medical technology, thus providing the new quality of human life in the North.
According to the last year totals provided by Strategic Initiatives Agency, Ugra holds third place in the medical aid quality ratings, after Moscow and Saint Petersburg. The importance of your contribution in achievement of such high results of regional healthcare development is immense.
The construction of High Biomedical Technology Center has started in Surgut. The center will be part of Unity Park scientific and technological center project to be created in Surgut. I'd like to proudly acknowledge the fruitful results of our scientists' developments of its future research contents.
The goals completed during the implementation of projects included in Priority 2030 program are all noteworthy achievements. The Ugra-Gen medical consortium formed on the Surgut State University initiative and uniting cutting-edge educational organizations and innovative scientific centers.
Both the city and the nation rely on future medical professionals. Dear students and residents! Keep on improving your abilities! You possess a unique opportunity to learn from talented instructors, practicioner doctors who share their knowledge, ideas and invaluable experience. The University is proud of you! I'd like to specially note the generosity of medical volunteers. Wish you all as much power and energy as possible!
I wish all of you good health, high spirits and happiness! May all plans be fulfilled and new far-reaching goals be set!
Happy Medical Specialist Day!
Best regards,
Sergei Kosenok, Surgut State University Rector

May 26, 2023 | Surgut State University celebrates 30th Anniversary!
Dear colleagues, employees, students, graduates and veterans of Surgut State University,
Happy 30th Anniversary of Surgut State University foundation!
Youth, optimism, aspiration for the future, participation in our rich, hospitable and generous region development – these very qualities of socially responsible university motivate us to achieve our ambitious goals!
The world is changing rapidly, education and science are always facing new global challenges that require extraordinary approaches to their solution. Thus, our objective is to constantly get ahead of events while modeling our future.
The university's team successfully deals with demands of today. We promptly respond to the requests from state and society. We have our own style.
Realizing that the university is one of the main state's instruments for ensuring the nation's technological leadership and equal part in global scientific process, we have joined the implementation of ambitious federal projects, such as world-class Western Siberian interregional scientific and educational center or strategic academic leadership program Priority 2030. These projects have let us strengthen our ability to collaborate in partnership, as well as become initiators of several consortiums formation. It is important to note that project management which has entered modern university life practice ensures swift and efficient resolution of many issues that arise in core areas.
I'd like to thank the academic and scientific staff, as well as everyone else who ensures comfortable and safe working conditions for our well-coordinated and laborous collective for outstanding results of their constructive activity, creative approach to business.
Our most important advantage is creating opportunities for youh to display their talents, opportunities for person's professional self-realization within the processes of regionwide and worldwide significance. Our stidemt community shows active citizenship, patriotism, responsibility for its decisions. We are proud of our students, as they initiate challenging ideas and implement them in their projects.
I am certain that all Surgut State University graduates bear the necessity of neverending self-improvement in mind and know how to make their own success formula.
With special words of greeting I address our veterans! Your contribution in preservation and development of the best traditions of national higher school, which ensures our steady advancement, is one of immense value and significance!
Dear friends! Always remember that a journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. Use your skills and knowledge as best and efficient as you can! Let your lifepath be full of interesting events and SurGU's motto "To Think! To Act! To Achieve!" inspire your search for innovative ideas and their subsequent realization!
Best regards,
Sergei Kosenok, Surgut State University Rector

May 19 – 20, 2023 | New Trends in Nursing To Be Discussed In SURGUT UNIVERSITY
Participants discussed up-to-date approaches to nursing and learned aboud MRI and CT scan contrast methods. They were also invited to visit different medical workshops hosted by Surgut Regional Clinical Hospital.

May 11, 2023 | Happy Birthday to Medical College
May 11 saw the 34th anniversary of the Surgut Medical College. Its history began with the Nursing program, and since then the college has grown significantly, in 2019 becoming a part of Surgut State University. Thus, the college has become one of the most prestigious educational organizations of Surgut and the region. Every year dozens of students graduate from the Medical College.
Thank-you letters were awarded to people who set the origins of the college. These people were noted for their professionalism and devotion to their mission. Ugra Department of Education and Science Certificate of Honor was awarded to Aza Rozhkova, Medical College's Vice Director for Educational Work.

Apr 28, 2023 | Night in the University
Hundreds of schoo;l students have attended an unusual Open Day event, which was held in the University's Scientific Library on April 28. The "Night in the University", as the event was dubbed, would be featured in the style of a pyjama party, so a number of guests attended it wearing corresponding outfits. This was the first such event ever hosted within the University.
The activities presented featured a quest dedicated to introducing guests to SurGU institutes and educational programs, as well as an entertainment cluster with air hockey, tabletop and video games. There was also a stand-up performance, during which student scientists and entrepreneurs would share their histories of success.
During the "Night in the University", guests were able to earn prize points for participating in activities, which they could exchange for SurGU-branded items

Day 2 of the 27th annual Georgy Nazin regional students' scientific conference "Science at 60th Parallel" was marked with roundtable discussions, open lectures and workshops for students and employees. Events scale grew larger, as the platforms included not only University buildings, but also Sorgut Polyclinic No, 5 and the newly opened perinatal center on Proletarsky Avenue. Roundtable discussions involved numerous topics and spanned across different scientific disciplines, from law and sports to medicine and psychology. Discussion topics varied from sustainable social and economic development and formation of civil society in modern Russia to perspectives of sports industry in the region and prevention of medical specialists' professional burnout
27th annual Georgy Nazin regional students' scientific conference "Science of Latitude 60" opened in Surgut State University Theater on April 4, 2023. Guests attending the opening ceremony were shown the archival video of an interview with SurGU's first rector Georgy Nazin (1940 – 2009), whose name the conference carries and to whose birthday (April 4) the event is dedicated.
During the opening ceremony, the plenary session was held, which saw scientific papers being reported on. Two students of Polytechnic Institute, for example, presented the medical mobile apps developed by them, which would assist people with diabetes. Later, the conference continued within themed sections.

Mar 28, 2023 | SurGU Esports team First in Ugra
March 26, 2023 saw the regional stage of Russian National Students Esports League take place in Barsovo, Surgutskiy District. The Universoty was presented by 13 players competing in five different disciplines: Dota 2, Counter-Strike, StarCraft, Clash Royale and Hearthstone. Opponents were presented by Surgut State Pedagogical University and Surgut Institute of Economy, Management and Law.
As a result, SurGU players have won the tournament, outperforming the opponents. Next stage of the tournament will be held in online format April to June 2023.